Khaleesi - Cookbook

By following these steps, you will be able to deploy rdo-manager using khaleesi on a CentOS machine with a basic configuration


For deploying rdo-manager you will need at least a baremetal machine which must has the following minimum system requirements:

Virtualization hardware extenstions enabled (nested KVM is not supported)
1 quad core CPU
12 GB free memory
120 GB disk space

Khaleesi driven RDO-Manager deployments only support the following operating systems:

CentOS 7 x86_64
RHEL 7.1 x86_64 ( Red Hat internal deployments only )

See the following documentation for system requirements:


There is an internal khaleesi-settings git repository that contains the settings and configuration for RHEL deployments. Do not attempt to use a RHEL bare metal host or RHEL options in ksgen using these instructions

Deploy rdo-manager


Get the code :

khaleesi on Github:

git clone

khaleesi-settings on Github:

git clone

Install tools and system packages:

sudo yum install -y python-virtualenv gcc

or on Fedora 22:

sudo dnf install -y python-virtualenv gcc

Create the virtual envionment, install ansible, ksgen and kcli utils:

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install ansible==1.9.2
cd khaleesi/tools/ksgen
python develop
cd ../kcli
python develop
cd ../..


If you get a errors with kcli installation make sure you have all system development tools intalled on your local machine: python2-devel for Fedora CentOS


Create the appropriate ansible.cfg for khaleesi:

cp ansible.cfg.example ansible.cfg
touch ssh.config.ansible
echo "" >> ansible.cfg
echo "[ssh_connection]" >> ansible.cfg
echo "ssh_args = -F ssh.config.ansible" >> ansible.cfg

SSH Keys:


We assume that you will named the key : ~/id_rsa and ~/

Ensure that your ~/.ssh/ file is in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the baremetal virt host:

ssh-copy-id root@<ip address of baremetal virt host>

Deployment Configuration:

Export the ip or fqdn hostname of the test box you will use as the virtual host for osp-director:

export TEST_MACHINE=<ip address of baremetal virt host>

Create a ksgen-settings file for Khaleesi to be able to get options and settings:

ksgen --config-dir=../khaleesi-settings/settings generate \
    --provisioner=manual \
    --product=rdo \
    --product-version=liberty \
    --product-version-build=last_known_good \
    --product-version-repo=delorean_mgt \
    --distro=centos-7.0 \
    --installer=rdo_manager \
    --installer-deploy=templates \
    --installer-env=virthost \
    --installer-images=build \
    --installer-network=neutron \
    --installer-network-isolation=none \
    --installer-network-variant=ml2-vxlan \
    --installer-post_action=none \
    --installer-topology=minimal \
    --installer-tempest=disabled \
    --workarounds=enabled \
    --extra-vars @../khaleesi-settings/hardware_environments/virt/network_configs/none/hw_settings.yml \


The “base_dir” key is defined by either where you execute ksgen from or by the $WORKSPACE environment variable. The base_dir value should point to the directory where khaleesi and khaleesi-settings have been cloned.

If you want to have more informations about the options used by ksgen launch:

ksgen --config-dir=../khaleesi-settings/settings help


This output will give you all options available in ksgen tools, You can also check into Usage for more examples.

Once all theses steps is done, you have a ksgen-settings file which contains all settings for your deployment. Khaleesi will load all the variables from this YAML file.

Review the ksgen_settings.yml file

Deployment Execution:

And then simply run:

ansible-playbook -vv --extra-vars @ksgen_settings.yml -i local_hosts playbooks/full-job-no-test.yml


After you finished your work, you can simply remove the created instances by:

ansible-playbook -vv --extra-vars @ksgen_settings.yml -i hosts playbooks/cleanup.yml