Using Khaleesi

Khaleesi is an ansible based deployment tool Red Hat Openstack CI is using for automation. In order to work, khaleesi need a configuration file which is provided by khaleesi-settings project. Khaleesi-settings provide the config file using ksgen tool, located in khaleesi project. or http://<redhat-internal-git-server>/git/khaleesi-settings.git


Fedora21+ with Python 2.7. For running jobs, khaleesi requires a dedicated RHEL7 or F21 Jenkins slave. We do have an ansible playbook that sets up a slave, see Creating a Jenkins slave.


Do not use the root user, as these instructions assumes that you are a normal user and uses venv. Being root may shadow some of the errors you may make like forgetting to source venv and pip install ansible.

Update your system, install git and reboot:

sudo yum -y update && sudo yum -y install git && sudo reboot

Install the ‘Development Tools’ Package group, python-devel and sshpass packages:

sudo yum group install -y 'Development Tools'
sudo yum -y install python-devel python-virtualenv sshpass

Install the OpenStack clients:

sudo yum install python-novaclient python-neutronclient python-glanceclient -y


Create or enter a folder where you want to check out the repos. We assume that both repo and your virtual environment are in the same directory. Clone the repos:

git clone
git clone

read-only mirror:

git clone http://<redhat-internal-git-server>/git/khaleesi-settings.git


Create the virtual envionment, install ansible, ksgen and kcli utils:

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install ansible==1.9.2
cd khaleesi
cd tools/ksgen
python develop
cd ../kcli
python develop
cd ../..

Create the appropriate ansible.cfg for khaleesi:

cp ansible.cfg.example ansible.cfg

If you don’t have a key you need to create it and upload it to your remote host or your tenant in blue if you are using the Openstack provisoner.

Copy your private key file that you will use to access instances to khaleesi/. We’re going to use the common example.key.pem key.:

cp ../khaleesi-settings/settings/provisioner/openstack/site/qeos/tenant/keys/example.key.pem  <dir>/khaleesi/
chmod 600 example.key.pem


By using Khaleesi you will need to choose which installer you want to use, on which provisioner.The provisioners corresponding to the remote machines which will host your environment. Khaleesi provide two installers: rdo-manager and packstack, and four provisioners: beaker, centosci, openstack and manual. For all of those, the settings are provided by khaleesi-settings through ksgen tool. You will find configuration variable under the folder “settings”:


|-- provisioner
|   |-- beaker
|   |-- libvirt
|   |-- openstack
|   `-- rackspace
|-- installer
|   |-- foreman
|   |-- opm
|   |-- packstack
|   |-- rdo_manager
|   `-- staypuft
|-- tester
|   |-- integration
|   |-- pep8
|   |-- rally
|   |-- rhosqe
|   |-- tempest
|   `-- unittest
|-- product
|   |-- rdo
|   `-- rhos
|-- distro

The whole idea of the configuration repo is to break everything into small units. Let’s use the installer folder as an example to describe how the configuration tree is built. When using ksgen with the following flags:

--installer=packstack \
--installer-topology=multi-node \
--installer-network=neutron \
--installer-network-variant=ml2-vxlan \
--installer-messaging=rabbitmq \

When the given –installer=packstack, ksgen is going to the folder called “installer” in khaleesi-settings and looking for a “packstack.yml” file.

after that, it goes down the tree to the folder “packstack/topology/multi-node.yml” (because of the flag –installer-topology=multi-node), “packstack/network/neutron.yml”, etc (according to the additional flags) and list all yml files it finds under those folders.

Then ksgen starts merging all YAML files using the parent folders as a base, that means, that packstack.yml (which holds configuration that is common to packstack) will be used as base and be merged with “packstack/topology/multi-node.yml” and “packstack/network/neutron.yml” and so on.


After you have everything set up, let’s see how you can create machines using rdo-manager or packstack installer. In both cases we’re going to use ksgen (Khaleesi Settings Generator) for supplying Khaleesi’s ansible playbooks with a correct configuration.

Installing rdo-manager with the manual provisioner

Here, we will deploy a RDO-Manager environment using the manual environment.

First, we create the appropriate configuration file with ksgen. Make sure that you are in your virtual environment that you previously created.

source venv/bin/activate

Export the ip or fqdn hostname of the test box you will use as the virtual host for osp-director:

export TEST_MACHINE=<ip address of baremetal virt host>

Generate the configuration with the following command:

ksgen --config-dir=../khaleesi-settings/settings generate \
    --provisioner=manual \
    --product=rdo \
    --product-version=liberty \
    --product-version-build=last_known_good \
    --product-version-repo=delorean_mgt \
    --distro=centos-7.0 \
    --installer=rdo_manager \
    --installer-env=virthost \
    --installer-images=build \
    --installer-network=neutron \
    --installer-network-isolation=none \
    --installer-network-variant=ml2-vxlan \
    --installer-topology=minimal \
    --installer-deploy=templates \
    --installer-post_action=none \
    --installer-tempest=disabled \
    --workarounds=enabled \
    --extra-vars @../khaleesi-settings/hardware_environments/virt_default/hw_settings.yml \


The “base_dir” key is defined by either where you execute ksgen from or by the $WORKSPACE environment variable. The base_dir value should point to the directory where khaleesi and khaleesi-settings have been cloned.

The result is a YAML file collated from all the small YAML snippets from khaleesi-settings/settings. All the options are quite self-explanatory and changing them is simple as well. The rule file is currently only used for deciding the installer+product+topology configuration. Check out ksgen for detailed documentation.

The next step will run your intended deployment:

ansible-playbook -vv --extra-vars @ksgen_settings.yml -i local_hosts playbooks/full-job-no-test.yml

If any part fails, you can ask for help on freenode #rdo channel. Don’t forget to save the relevant error lines on something like pastebin.

Using your new undercloud / overcloud

When your run is complete (or even while it’s running), you can log in to your test machine:

ssh root@<test_machine>
su stack

If you want to log to your new undercloud machine

ssh -F ssh.config.ansible undercloud

Here you could play with your newly created Overcloud

Installing rdo-manager with centosci provisioner

Here the installation is quite similar with Beaker provisioner. Just notice the changes into the configuration for ksgen:

ksgen --config-dir=../khaleesi-settings/settings generate \
--provisioner=centosci \
--provisioner-site=default \
--provisioner-distro=centos \
--provisioner-distro-version=7 \
--provisioner-site-user=rdo \
--product=rdo \
--product-version=kilo \
--product-version-build=last_known_good \
--product-version-repo=delorean_mgt \
--distro=centos-7.0 \
--installer=rdo_manager \
--installer-env=virthost \
--installer-images=build \
--installer-network=neutron \
--installer-network-isolation=none \
--installer-network-variant=ml2-vxlan \
--installer-topology=minimal \
--installer-post_action=none \
--installer-tempest=disabled \
--installer-deploy=templates \
--workarounds=enabled \
--extra-vars @../khaleesi-settings/hardware_environments/virt_default/hw_settings.yml \

If any part fails, you can ask for help on the internal #rdo-ci channel. Don’t forget to save the relevant error lines on something like pastebin.

Using your new undercloud / overcloud

When your run is complete (or even while it’s running), you can log in to your host

ssh root@$HOST
su stack

If you want to log to your new undercloud machine, just make on your host:

ssh -F ssh.config.ansible undercloud

Here you could play with your newly created Overcloud

Installing Openstack on Bare Metal via Packstack

All the steps are the same as the All-in-one case. The only difference is running the ksgen with differents paramters: Please change the below settings to match your environment:

ksgen --config-dir=/khaleesi_project/khaleesi-settings/settings generate \
--provisioner=foreman \
--provisioner-topology="all-in-one" \
--distro=rhel-7.1 \
--product=rhos \
--product-version=7.0 \
--product-version-repo=puddle \
--product-version-build=latest \ \ \ \"" \"" \ \ \ \ \ \
--extra-vars=provisioner.remote_password=mypassword \
--extra-vars=provisioner.nodes.controller.rebuild=yes \
--extra-vars=provisioner.key_file=/home/itbrown/.ssh/id_rsa \
--installer=packstack \
--installer-network=neutron \
--installer-network-variant=ml2-vxlan \
--installer-messaging=rabbitmq \

And then simply run:

ansible-playbook -vv --extra-vars @ksgen_settings.yml -i local_hosts playbooks/full-job-no-test.yml


After you finished your work, you can simply remove the created instances by:

ansible-playbook -vv --extra-vars @ksgen_settings.yml -i hosts playbooks/cleanup.yml